
There is a rabbit young and free

that breaks his soul upon his knee,

he is a rabbit strong and well

he lets his tattered feelings tear

he curls beneath his thumping heart

and burns with throbbing crimson art


There is a rabbit wild and green,

he runs and wishes one could see

the pain beneath his somber smile

he runs and runs then stops awhile

to rest his feet beneath the briar

‘til gentle cadence fades and dies


There is a rabbit eyes agleam,

he runs he runs, he bleeds he bleeds,

he feels the life flow through his skin

he runs with hope to find his kin

he throws the truth to bending wind

and scampers ‘til his footprints bleed


There is a rabbit just like me,

he runs he runs, he bleeds he bleeds,

The other rabbits stop and stare

they know he’s lost all hope and care